1. Install Java
Use cPanel to do the installation, and manage java.
Within WHM, go to "EasyApache (Apache Update)".
Use your existing defaults, and select "tomcat"; and allow cPanel to recompile apache and php. Java will also be installed.
2. If you do not need Tomcat, it can, and should be disabled.
Within WHM, go to service manager -> disable tomcat.
3. Install ImageMagick
login to shell, and run the following script,
The script from cPanel will install ImageMagick
4. Setup dag repo (which will be used to install ffmpeg)
See http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/FAQ.php#B2 for the instructions
eg, if you have a CentOS 5.x 64 bit server, use the following,
rpm -Uhv
5. Install ffmpeg
within shell, run following,
yum install ffmpeg
Xssist, 28 Jun 2010